King's College London NLP
NLP Applications
We employ NLP methods across diverse domains, encompassing finance, education, biomedicine, healthcare, and social media.
NLP for Health
Our work in biomedical and clinical NLP includes pharmacovigilance event extraction from medical case reports, radiology report generation from x-ray images, biomedical QA, explainable drug-drug interaction extraction, health-related rumour veracity assessment, topical phrase extraction from clinical reports, and understanding patient reviews.
Zhaoyue Sun, Jun Wang, Junru Lu, Jiazheng Li, Gabriele Pergola, Lin Gui
Publications (since 2021)
NLP for Finance
Work in NLP for Finance includes financial event extraction from financial statements, opinion mining of customer reviews, ESG report analysis, and causal inference from earnings call transcripts.
Xinyu Wang, Yuxiang Zhou, Runcong Zhao, Lin Gui
Publications (since 2021)
NLP for Education
We collaborate with AQA to develop explainable student answer scoring systems for GCSE Science.
  • Automated Scoring System for GCSE Science Exams, (2022-2026), funded by AQA.
  • Elandi: trustworthy generative AI for affordable personalised learning and development (2024-2025), funded by Innovate UK under the Accelerating Trustworthy AI: Phase 2 Collaborative R&D call, led by AI for Global Goals.
Jiazheng Li, Yuxiang Zhou, Lin Gui
Publications (since 2021)
NLP for Social Media
In social media analysis, we carry out research in understanding microblog conversations, Twitter sentiment analysis, cyberbullying detection, event extraction and visualisation on Twitter, and analysis of persuasive argumentation in political debates.
Miguel Arana-Catania, Lin Gui, John Dougrez-Lewis, Wenjia Zhang, Lixing Zhu
Publications (since 2021)
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