King's College London NLP
    Event-Centric Framework for Natural Language Understanding
    The five-year UKRI-funded Turing AI Fellowship awarded to Yulan He aims to develop a machine reading comprehension model in which a computer could continuously build and update a graph of eventualities as reading progresses.
    New Language Modelling
    Lin Gui and Yulan He have been awarded a prestigious EPSRC New Horizons grant for a high-risk research project with potentially transformative impact. The project aims to develop a new language modelling method allowing for a more faithful and explainable approximation for the input text.
    Automated Scoring System for GCSE Science Exams
    Funded by AQA, the project aims to develop an automated scoring system for assessing students’ answers to descriptive questions in GCSE Biology or Chemistry. The system is expected to produce prediction of marks and generate the rationales explaining the model decisions.
    Character-Centric Narrative Understanding
    The EPSRC ICASE project, jointly funded by Huawei London Research Centre, aims to develop new AI algorithms for automatic understanding of narratives in novels.
    Model Interpretability
    In our EPSRC-funded project, “Twenty20Insight”, we aim to investigate explainable AI (XAI) approaches which can provide interpretations both faithful to model decisions and are also better understood by humans.
    PANACEA: PANdemic Ai Claim vEracity Assessment
    Led by Yulan He, the EPSRC-funded PANACEA project developed novel supervised/unsupervised methods for veracity assessment of claims unverified at the time of posting, by integrating information from multiple sources and building a knowledge network that enables cross verification
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